Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Alan Ryan - Live by the gun, die by the gun

When I first think of the name Alan Ryan, the words, extortionist, bully, Republican terrorist, and convict, immediately come to mind. However, he also was a family man, a father and a loving partner. There are indeed two sides to every story but one must keep in mind, two wrongs will never make a right.

Ryan was adored by dissident Republicans both north and south of the border. This was mainly due to the fact he maintained a steady influx of funding for paramilitary group, the Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA), through racketeering.

In any war, non-governmental factions will always be funded through criminality. The RIRA are no different. The days of constant terror across the border caused by civil war, fought between a Republican and Unionist divide, are now a thing of the past. But that doesn't mean paramilitary organisations have ceased to exist.

With peaceful negotiations seen as the way forward for Ireland to progress in its entirety, groups such as the RIRA and other break away Republican factions are finding it harder and harder to garner public backing. The vast majority of Ireland see no need for such criminal groups in modern day Ireland. Subsequently, this is why many groups whose founding ethos is based on political nationalism are dragged into drug dealing, extortion, and underworld bullying campaigns.

Let's not be blinded by patriotism. Ryan was handing out life threatening beatings, dismembering rival gang members and, allegedly, ordering the murders of enemies. This should be in no way condoned by the masses of armchair Republicans who see any of these actions acceptable just because he masquerades as a clean cut anti-imperialist protester. As seen in the protests against the state visit of Queen Elizabeth II, where Ryan lead a protest charge near Christchurch goading members of an Garda Síochana into violence.

It must be stated though, Ryan was far from a blood thirsty mass murderer as may be perceived from certain tabloid newspaper reports. Despite supplying us with all of our daily information, the media does nothing to ensure unbiased, objective reporting. Sensation has become a mainstay in capitalist society. Sensationalise, shock, to sell more papers, to get more viewers, more listeners, more readers.

Ryan was however, a criminal. He was involved in extortion. His racketeering may have been towards drug dealers who on the most part, show no regard for their 'customers' well being, but it's still racketeering. He may  have caused certain drug-lords of Dublin to flee to warmer European regions but he did this through brutal attacks, leaving victims in semi-conscious states.

Republicans may hold him in high regards for proudly completing a four year sentence in Portlaoise prison for partaking in illegal terrorists camps. Republicans may hold him in high regards for ridding, a small minority, of Dublin based drug dealers from Ireland. But for me, this is all too narrow-minded. Ryan is not a Republican martyr akin to lost rebels of years gone by. 

In this modern era of Dublin with it's ever increasing crime underworld not a single person is untouchable, regardless of what gang you are associated with, paramilitary or otherwise. Ryan is a prime example of this. He was living on borrowed time and his cocky lifestyle ultimately led to his downfall.

Ryan may have been acting on what he perceived to be the greater good, but there is no denying he was still a criminal fool and an enemy of all that's decent, honourable, and true in society. His life ended in a hail of daylight gunfire. Ryan lived by the gun, and as result, died by the gun. May he rest in peace.

S.DAWSON 04/09/12

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

The American Dream?

Why do you need to aspire to an American dream? Why not an Italian dream? Why not an Australian dream? Why not a Brazilian dream? We are all suffocated with mainstream media and populist prattle spouted from America. Imperialism in it’s most natural form. Sending economic hit-men to disadvantaged countries in order to silently bully near self-sufficient governments into welcoming multinational corporations who run the world on par with the world banks, who effectively create money out of thin air to cover wealthy investments and let the average man take the hit.

Soulless identities who indirectly have control over lives across the globe and yet, our heads are dug deeply in the sand, so as to never question the establishment due to our Americanised upbringing. Even to this day, cowardly bowing to America as if they are the be all and end all of mankind. Letting them use Shannon to fuel terrorism, not combat it. In an ever revolutionising world where dictators are being overthrown, it is a case, unfortunately, of America asking Ireland to jump and our island nation politely asking how high?

Why have dreams of aspiring to a police state? Why have dreams of a country in which absolute power is concentrated in a capitalist criminal cabal that uses military and police power to dominate people both mentally and physically? Why visit the 21st century equivalent of a Nazi state for touristic reasons? Be sure to capture the essence of a police state destruction of constitutional rights, genocidal murder of the working class by capitalist predators and deliberate criminal acts by government officials in your photography.

A nation plagued with narrow-minded, ill-educated, fundamental hypocrites. Didn't the mighty USA boycott the 1980 Olympics because the Soviets were occupying Afghanistan? Oh, such righteous indignation from our America brothers in arms. A nation invading at will in order to satisfy the likes of Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Halliburton, Raytheon and nothing ethical. If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t Americans having parades devoted to happiness on a daily basis? Their levels of utility should be at a record high.

In America, total corporate profits for the year end 2011 were $1.97 trillion. Corporations paid $181 billion in federal taxes, a mere 9%, and $40 billion in state taxes, a mere 2%. Their total tax burden is 11%, where as the poorest 20% of American citizens pay a combined total of 17.4% in federal, state and local taxes. Health Care lobbyists spent $390 every second of 2010 fighting the health care reform bill. Does this sound like a nation where the American dream is still being adhered to?

According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, on average $1 billion dollars is spent per annum just disposing of food waste in the USA. However the figure of 1 billion also appears, but this time in a much more drastic sense, counting the number of people who are hungry in the world. Now, I don't mean, ‘Oh, I haven't eaten in a few hours, I'm feeling a bit peckish’, I mean so hungry they may not have eaten for days and are powerless to walk or speak and in some cases, even open their eyes.

A 2004 study estimated that between 44% and 47% of all food harvested in America never gets eaten. Since August of last year, in a 12 month period, the charity Oxfam officially declared three famine crises in, West Africa, Yemen and East Africa, respectively. On top of that, as of July 27th this year, a further seven countries are pleading for emergency food assistance, namely - Senegal, Burkina Faso, Niger, Gambia, Mauritania, Mali and Chad. However, as they have no worthwhile natural resources which can be pillaged by America, of course, the stars and stripes won't bat an eyelid towards such futile nations.

I may not know the cheapest inn to reside at during a stay in New York or Washington D.C., but I do know you would be visiting one of the most, if not the most, mislead, misinformed, contradictory and corrupt nations. Moreover, a paranoid city in which 'please do not smile' signs have genuinely been erected across subway stations across the Manhattan, Queens and greater New York regions. However, it must be stated that I'm not saying one should not visit such cities, I am merely ridiculing the pseudo notion of an American dream.

The past is our definition. We may strive, with good reason, to escape it, or to escape what is bad in it, but we will escape it by only adding something better to it. Therefore, I implore one and all if visiting the United States of America to create a unique American dream of their own. For the ‘American dream’ of old, which is still so highly craved, is now merely folklore.

S.DAWSON 08/08/12

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

The Original Rudeboys - This Life

Finally the day is upon us that the three inner city boys from the heart of town make it big. The Original Rudeboys first came to many peoples attention through a Youtube clip of the three lads performing their now hit single, Stars In My Eyes, from the comforts of a humble living room. The performance was set in a serene atmosphere immediately connecting with the audience, albeit through a computer screen. Like it or not, this is modern music. This is how you become recognised. Indeed, social networking was pivotal in the success of The ORB’s.  

The band, consisting of guitar playing vocalist Rob Burch, Sean ‘Neddy’ Arkins who raps with a unique Dublin twang and Sean Walsh who adds underlying melodies in the form of haunting ukulele rhythms must be extremely thankful for the popularity of Facebook, Myspace and Twitter, in their journey to finally achieving a chart hit debut album.

The ORB’s started off by shamelessly flogging their videos on Facebook via Youtube and as more people shared their videos their dream gathered momentum and has now culminated with the release of their debut album, This Life. As the three Dublin natives became more popular they embarked on a mission. A mission to gain notoriety nationwide. 

They managed to blag their way onto TV3, featuring on The Morning Show presented by Sybil Mulcahy and Martin King. Next up was featuring on RTE 1 with Brendan O'Connor during The Saturday Night Show. On top of their television appearances they tirelessly travelled Ireland advertising themselves on hit radio stations with Spin 103.8 awarding them their first big break when Stars In My Eyes was given airtime. 

Their lyrics include lines such as, “we didn't wanna be another band blazing in bars, were gazing at charts, hoping one day to be a part of it”, which shows the infinite ambition and passion which Walshy, Neddy And Burch possess. They have had the chance to play at the world renowned music festival Oxegen, as well as having the opportunity of playing at the Leeds/Reading festival in England and countless other events across Ireland. They even had the honour of supporting both Sinead O’Connor and Damien Dempsey, on their respective nationwide tours. 

Not only have The ORB’s taken these chances of live gigs, they subsequently have gained cult status among the younger generation of Irish music fans. As teenagers flock to meet their new music idols, it is hopeful that through their debut album, This Life, that the music world in it’s entirety will stand up and take notice of these travelling men with stars in their eyes. An edition of Hotpress Magazine earlier this year featured a cover photograph of The ORB’s, this is evidence of just how far the three lads have come in the last year. 
They are, of course, still at a very tender stage of their career, only performing together for barely a year. However, with supporting performances for Snoop Dogg and Swedish House Mafia this summer among many other sold out gigs, who knows what heights The ORB's may reach. 

They officially launched their debut album on Saturday 31st March 2012 at the Grand Social venue. However, if you were not lucky enough to get your hands on a ticket they will be performing many gigs throughout the year. All information needed can be found on their website, http://www.theoriginalrudeboys.com/?page_id=101. With many music festival performances and Phoenix Park shows, it's a long way from seeing the band perform one of their maiden gigs in The Pint bar on Eden Quay where a tightly packed crowd stood to watch a lively performance in a venue reminiscent of The Cavern Club, a Liverpool venue famously associated with The Beatles.

The album itself shows the talent of lyricist Neddy Arkins whom many years ago I first discovered when I came across a free downloadable album of his entitled, The Boy In The Sky. It showed his potential, it was far from record breaking but I always knew there was talent there waiting to be discovered. Now it has finally been given a chance to shine and succeed nationwide and perhaps someday appeal to an even vaster worldwide audience. 

I think The ORB’s lyrics of, “And these labels say we were just too different, Dublin hip hop would never work there's something missing in, the accent is too deep, it's too strong, but now most of them are singing along”, unfortunately described my opinion back then. I never thought the music world would accept the uniqueness of Arkins’ voice, no matter how hard he worked . Has his unique style finally been accepted? In my opinion, 'chea'.

With the addition of Walshy and Burch, a whole new genre of acoustic Irish hip-hop mixed with electric beats and catchy choruses and of course the unmissable ukulele not only comes together but it bounces off each sub-genre perfectly. The trio have somehow managed to combine all of their individual talents and create a force to be reckoned with on the Irish music scene.

While trying to give a balanced and unbiased opinion of their album, I must admit I am a fan of The Original Rudeboys. Their album focuses on quality not quantity with a ten song playlist. Their more recognised songs take precedence in order of play, albeit more professionally produced versions. This does not necessarily make them better versions, but none the less they are enchanting lyrics accompanied with key guitar melodies and the mellifluous sound of a ukulele echoing in the background. In my opinion, there are two hidden gems on this album, namely, Blue Eyes and more so, Written Songs, the latter possibly having potential of being another hit single. 

The album can be purchased from all Golden Disc and HMV outlets as well as Tower Records. You can also download it via iTunes which is the more preferred option of music purchase in the modern times we live in. Having said all that, I don't claim to be a musical guru. You don't have to be the biggest fan of Irish hip-hop whatsoever, but I urge you all to still give this record a chance and purchase the album for as little as €9.99. It’s about time you took notice and a shine to these kids in their prime and create your own opinion on The Original Rudeboys, a band sure to loom large on the horizon of Irish music for many years to come. 

S.DAWSON 28/03/12

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Away Days - The trials and tribulations of the real football fan

(The following was printed in The Shelbourne Fanzine, issue no.50, in March 2012, entitled - 117 years vs. 117 weeks, published by Red Inc.)

Finally the Real Reds, Shelbourne F.C, are big-time once more. Promotion to the Premier Division brings along with it more glamorous league outings against the likes of last years Europa League qualifiers Shamrock Rovers and last years FAI Cup champions Sligo Rovers. Old rivalries will be renewed with Dublin derbies against St.Patricks Athletic and Bohemians, and of course there will be a short trip up north on the M1 to Dundalk, a great rival since beating Shels to the title on the last day of the 1998 season. Of course with the return of these more high profile matches Tolka Park attendances will rise in numbers once more. Many lapsed Reds will return to their Friday night routine of making a date in their diary to be in Drumcondra no later than 8pm.

It is however, heartening to see a hardcore element of Shelbourne fans who have stuck with the club over the past five years in the graveyard league that is the Airtricity Division One. With the first division somehow now only consisting of eight teams and the foregone conclusion that Limerick will prevail as eventual champions after a monotonous season, it makes it all the sweeter knowing the Reds won't have to endure these fixtures anymore. There were many joyous memories encountered in Tolka Park and further afield over the past five years entwined in an abundance of both frustrating and heartbreaking moments too.

In typical Shels tradition, it culminated in a bittersweet finish by clinching promotion but yet still losing out on, a not so coveted, title of Division One champions, which went to the newly formed club from Cork. There were very few Reds who were disheartened by the eventual score that night as all that mattered was after five gruelling years travelling the length and breadth of Ireland, promotion was finally achieved. 

It doesn’t seem all that long ago that the club were on the brink of collapse. To see a Shelbourne team enter onto the pitch in Tolka Park against a Waterford XI, for a friendly match in February of 2007, evoked so many emotions within Shelbourne fans when they knew there was still a club to follow, after the well documented financial problems. Supporting the Reds is a way of life. You can experience extreme highs and almost instantaneous lows throughout the course of a season. 

The first league match after demotion to Division One on Friday the 9th of March 2007 against the now defunct Kildare County seems like an eternity away now. Finishing in a 2-2 draw with goals from Brian Gartland and an 88th minute equaliser from Darren McKenna after Philly Gorman, a man who is now apparently good enough to line out for the Reds in the top flight of league of Ireland football, put Kildare ahead from the penalty spot. However, the final score was quietly irrelevant that day, at least we still had a team to follow both home and away. 

Shelbourne have always been associated with bringing a sizable away support wherever they travel. Even in Europe during the glory days, Shelbourne had a respectable following, regards numbers that travelled. Evidence of this is the fact that when they played Spanish giants, Deportivo La Coruna in the 2004 Champions League qualifying rounds, they were the only team to fill the away section of the Riazor Stadium that year, even though Deportivo made it to the semi-finals of the competition. 

In terms of away days over the past five years there have been some very memorable encounters. In May of the ‘08 season thanks to a Bisto Flood brace, Shels cut Dundalk’s lead at the top to just two points in an enthralling 1-3 victory in Oriel Park. In early September of the same year James Keddy scored twice in an unforgettable trip to Limerick in what was one of the highlights of the discover Ireland division. Keddy curled a free kick inch perfect into the net on the 86th minute mark to put the Reds into the lead. However just as Shelbourne fans began to think that three points were secured, Limerick dealt Shels a cruel blow equalising only a matter of minutes later. What followed will stick in the memory of many Reds for years to come. The sheer ecstasy of Keddy somehow managing to repeat his heroics and guide another free kick into the goal of Limerick ‘keeper Dave Ryan, in front of a few hundred strong band of travelling Shelbourne men and women. Shels eventually won 1-2 in what was an emotional roller coaster last five minutes of the match. The adulation and utter pandemonium can only be experienced from attending the match itself, albeit in the desolate surroundings of Jackman Park. 

The second last game of that season was a proverbial six-pointer in the R.S.C. against Waterford United. Shels came out on top with a 0-1 victory after David McAllister, a player now settled in an ambitious Sheffield United side, neatly slotted home a penalty. The match saw Shelbourne cult hero, Dean Delany, put in a near perfect performance in goal in front of 500+ travelling Shels fans in full voice, which set up a do or die finish against Limerick, ultimately ending in the most cruel of circumstances. That was the night many Reds fans started to believe, started to think maybe this was the victory that would eventually see the Reds back where they belong in the Premier Division. That hope silently echoed through the away section where the strong away following were in full voice cordoned in by stewards in the Valhalla of over zealous stewarding that is, coincidentally John Delaney’s hometown club, Waterford United.

I must mention the unpaid work ShelsTV puts in for fans abroad to keep up to date on how the Reds are progressing, by putting together a weekly highlights package of an extremely high standard. However, nothing will ever match the passion, the tension, the adrenaline fuelled chants and celebrations, the relief and general experience of a Shelbourne away day. Although ShelsTV is a great way to view match highlights it should never be used as an excuse to not attend an away match itself.

The following year, again in the despair of the first division, saw some very memorable away fixtures. In April of 2009 the 100 or so fans, outnumbering the home support, who made the journey to Terryland Park to see Shels overcome Mervue United were treated to a heroic performance from a Shelbourne legend Kevin Doherty. Doherty bravely headed home a Dave Crawley corner with only two minutes of regulation time left to play. Doherty proceeded to celebrate in front of the away contingent almost scaling the waist-high wall separating the terrace from the pitch. The determination and gut shown by Doherty was epitomised by his Terry Butcher-esque bloody head bandage which is nearly as memorable as the winning goal itself. 

In the same season of ‘09, another trip to Limerick was the fixture which had Shels fans making summer travel arrangements. The hero of the hour this time was, the now cult hero, David Cassidy, making his mark on our beloved club by slotting home an injury time winner. The skilful, solo, last minute effort came after an excellent 70th minute penalty save from Dean Delany which saw the confidence of the Reds increase in what was a fiery encounter which saw a plethora of yellow cards and both teams finishing with ten men. 

Again, the celebrations can be witnessed on ShelsTV but this still will never compare to the feeling you will get when your team scores a last minute winner, particularly against a side who broke the dream of promotion the previous season. Clambering across bodies, bouncing up and down and trying to grab hold of the petite figure of David Cassidy, who immersed himself in the travelling support, playing the majority of the match with a broken nose! Grabbing hold of strangers who you now feel as if they are family as you both engulf yourself in the feelings of victory, pride and passion for the Reds.

These handful of away trips are only some of the many memories encountered over the past five years travelling Ireland supporting the Reds. Summer trips to the sunny south east to play Wexford Youths were always enjoyable, sampling the Pinot Grigio or the Chianti at halftime which were always reviewed as being too sweet or a bit woody by the masquerading suave Shelbourne following. Trips to the ever hospitable Gortakeegan, home of Monaghan United, were always quaint affairs, although on the football pitch it was never a happy hunting ground for the Reds. 

Five years of travelling many miles to rural locations in all four provinces of Ireland with a group of like-minded fans of course had it's lower ebbs. One example of this was ‘gravelgate’, when a match in Ballybofey was called off while fans were en route to Donegal. This was due to Finn Harps scattering too many pebbles on the playing surface in an attempt to prevent a waterlogged pitch. However, it must be said there were certainly a lot more positives than negatives in the pursuit of promotion for the Reds in terms of away days.

An away trip in the latter part of last year’s promotion clinching season came in the form of a semi-final cup replay. This away fixture was just across the River Liffey in Inchicore and subsequently a large number of Reds made the trip across to the south side of Dublin. The Reds came away with a 1-3 victory in what will be etched in the memories of fans both young and old for the foreseeable future. The atmospheric passion, the mass hunger for victory over Dublin rivals St.Pats and the indescribable feeling of enchantment throughout the match are highs real football fans live for. It is this feeling that so many Shels fans felt on leaving Inchicore that night, I hope might ignite their want to travel to away matches more often with Shels.

Although my previous descriptions of away games over the past five seasons might be inane ramblings, just words to many fans, to a select few it will be so much more. To a select few who make the effort of organising half days from work, working around college timetables and perhaps saving a nights drinking money in order to be able to afford an away trip, this will remind them of the joyous occasions. It is looking back on the trouncing received at the hands of Cork in Turners Cross last season and the monsoon like conditions in Drom, county Galway, the same year that make promotion into the premier division all the more satisfying. Friendships have formed over the years between the band of travelling supporters, as you get to recognise the same faces in stadia across the country. 

So as the Reds are big-time once more, it is notable that the amount of away trips lessen. Eight teams, including Shelbourne, are all within the Pale. If you include Monaghan too as Gortakeegan is within reasonable cycling distance, that means there is only three sides who away day status remains, namely, Sligo Rovers, the newly formed Cork City and another club in it's early stages of life Derry City. So taking the geography of our opponents into consideration, it's never been easier for the Shelbourne faithful to attend away games. All matches are within reasonable driving distance, with the Bohs match even within walking distance from Tolka Park. The Carlisle Grounds of Bray is located adjacent to the DART station, so there’s no reason why away crowds should not greatly increase this year.

This year, the first away match the club will be running a bus to will be Dundalk away, which falls on Good Friday. With many pubs and clubs closing on this Holy Day what better way is there to spend a dull Friday than to sample a Shels match up in Oriel Park? After five years exiled in the first division with little to cheer about, not forgetting about a Leinster Senior Cup champions title, it is of paramount importance to show other clubs of the league the Reds are back. With the resurrection to top flight football, hopefully will come a strong following both home and away, particularly for the more wanderlust of Redsmen. The good times are back, so make the most of it while it lasts and revel in the vivacious experience of a Shelbourne away trip. 

S.DAWSON 08/03/12
Chat Conversation End

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Always question the establishment

On the 20th of February 2012 a representative from the Sheriff's department arrived at the family home of an Irishman in county Laois who had fallen on hard times and was unable to keep on top of mortgage payments to Ulster Bank. The Deputy Sheriff, Mr.Pat Dunne was accompanied by two members of An Garda Síochána. At first, the senior Gardaí seem startled when questioned if they were acting under their oath. Their sole purpose was to oversee the safety of Mr.Dunne as he attempted to unlawfully evict the resident who had fallen victim of the recession which has besieged Ireland. The Deputy Sheriff's aim was to repossess the house and give the keys to the bank in Portlaoise, showing no remorse in putting another Irish family onto the streets.

However, unexpected to Mr.Dunne and the authorities, a group of people had gathered at the dwelling. A group of law abiding citizens who represented a vast array of organisations such as, http://DefendOurHomesLeague.iehttp://ItsNotOurDebt.com, and the newly formed political alliance, http://www.unitedleftalliance.org/. The ULA are a newly formed alliance consisting of members of the Socialist Party which was under the leadership of T.D Joe Higgins but not making significant progress on it's own, a handful of smaller parties such as People Before Profit Alliance, also gathering support from a handful of Independent T.D's and represents some smaller left/far left parties who do not currently have seats in the current Dáil Éireann.

Speaking on behalf of the homeowner who was at risk of eviction was Ben Gilroy. Mr.Gilroy is an integral member of the coalition comprising of many educated activist groups protesting against property repossession from ordinary members of the public. The aims of Mr.Gilroy and this coalition is to educate people in the lawful challenge of debt, inform them of their constitutional rights, and to lawfully challenge evictions. 

If anybody knows of anyone who's situation has become so poorly that they may face eviction, it is of paramount importance that they are made aware of the aforementioned groups. They can contact these organisations in order to obtain legal aid which could make a vital difference in the banks aim of property repossession. This could happen to any resident of Ireland from all walks of life, in what is a very worrying period of Irish history unfolding before us at present. 
In a world where negative news stories are paraded to us on a daily basis across all forms of media, this video is a welcoming change to the apparent doom and gloom of modern Ireland.
 I urge anyone, both from Ireland and abroad, to view this youtube clip. 

S.Dawson 23/02/2012

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Just another dead junkie?

They say all publicity is good publicity. Dublin hardcore punk band, The Crows, certainly adopted this stance when they chose to print the now infamous ‘just another dead junkie’ t-shirt. It came nine months after the death of RTE television and radio presenter, Gerry Ryan. Ryan was found dead in his Leeson Street apartment on the 30th of April 2011. He was a figurehead of RTE who was known extremely well throughout Ireland, devotedly presenting his morning radio show on RTE 2FM on a daily basis since 1988. 

When news broke of his death, tributes poured in for father-of-five Ryan. The loss of anyone is always going to be harrowing to family members and friends alike and with Ryan having such a vast public following there was sure to be many mourners attending his funeral in Clontarf, on the north side of Dublin. However, the tragic loss of Ryan soon turned to controversy with findings that his death most likely was caused by an overdose of cocaine. 

The band in question which printed the t-shirt have stated that, “the t-shirt is an attack on the stiflingly conservative and docile state in which modern Irish society exists”. So they are not out to defame drug abusers across Ireland but just to indirectly attack modern Irish society. Makes sense, right? They claim to have not contacted numerous national newspapers and radio stations, therefore, they are not the ones to blame for their bands name being splashed across magazines and newspapers nationwide. I'm sure it was all coincidental that they were shortly due to release their new album a few weeks after the story broke. 

Although, it may not have been the band itself, it may have been their friends, their old college buddies or even the local barman. Either way, they succeeded in gaining national notoriety, albeit, for a day or two. Keeping in mind that it is a band which plays a genre which has always, except in America during the 1980’s, struggled to blossom in any sort of public sphere. An entirely underground musical genre, in the most authentic sense of the word, playing to crowds of thirty to seventy people in tiny bars, who would all know each other to see and, on the most part, talk to. So was this stunt a genuine dig at a media influenced society that they claim us Dubliners are besieged with, or was it a tasteless hardcore punk band aiming to gain a greater following?

It does give food for thought though in a world which is utterly perpetuated by popular media every minute of the day. Our lives are controlled by the news media - whether radio, television, print or on the web. However, despite supplying us with all of our daily information, the media does nothing to ensure unbiased, objective reporting. Sensation has become a mainstay in capitalist society. Sensationalise, shock, to sell more papers, to get more viewers, more listeners. The treatment of Gerry Ryan’s death was much like this in the news media, one day a national hero, a loss to us all; the next, slated and defamed by tabloid media as a junkie cocaine-abuser.

It comes as no surprise that according to a recent report in the UK’s Guardian newspaper, UK newspapers outperform home-grown publications in Ireland. The Irish Times is reportedly at a loss of $1.4 million a month, yet The Sunday Times’ Irish Edition, and tabloids like the Sun, the Daily Mirror and the Daily Star are all benefiting from the 4.5 million Irish population, with the Daily Star gaining 11% of its business from its Irish edition. Despite the recession, Irish consumers are also willing to pay more for their news - about double what their British neighbours pay - especially for gossip tabloids.

With that, the hypocrisy, general inaccuracy and total disregard for objectivity in Irish news media, particularly that of tabloid newspapers, is exhibited  in Ryan’s own show. He regularly condemned drug-abusers but at the same time he had an open secret that he suffered with an addiction to cocaine, allegedly even using it at RTE Christmas parties. Surely this rumour would not have just been swept under the carpet by the higher echelons of the state broadcaster. It certainly would not be accustomed to the executives of a company to engage in dodgy dealings. Be them banks, politicians or broadcasting executives, surely not?

Ryan even went as far as 'rapping' in an attempt to engage an easily influenced younger generation, as seen in this not so popular youtube video;

In Ireland, hundreds die each year due to drug related illnesses. However, none will make newspaper headlines as none will have had such a profound affect on society. Ryan was one of the greats of modern Irish broadcasting both on television and radio but he also was, as Kevin Myers described, “a criminal fool, and an enemy of all that's decent and honourable and true in society”. Yes, cocaine is cool, cocaine is chic, cocaine is football mega-millionaires, cocaine is property in the Mediterranean, cocaine is that immortal feeling, cocaine is a brace of naked supermodels lying akimbo across your bed; cocaine is a 17-year-old working class boy dead in Drimnagh, cocaine is the huddled wino lying in her own filth in a shop doorway near Grafton Street, cocaine is the cartel that runs a criminal state in Colombia. Take cocaine, and you become party to all that, and Gerry did. 

So, Gerry Ryan, a man who possessed a larger than life persona and enlivened a nation for numerous years, who practically received a state funeral, should he be remembered as a stalwart of Irish society or as just another dead junkie? It’s all a matter of opinion.

S.DAWSON 01/02/2012

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Kate's Cottage - A hidden gem

As another public house succumbs to the pressure of debt, it may not pain many to see this humble establishment fall by the wayside but it is indeed a prime example of how the recession can negatively affect us all. Ideally located, it is in the middle of Dublin’s transport hub with Connolly Rail Station caught in a staring contest with the front of the building and looming in the shadow of Busáras. It is in the security of Store Street Garda station tucked away behind the building and only a few minutes walk from the centre of Dublin city itself, what more could you ask for? 

Indeed Kate’s Cottage was one establishment everyone knew about but no one seemed to have visited. It provided a well established pint of Guinness among a selection of many draught beers and was highly stocked on weiss beers for the more selective of beer connoisseurs not akin to the mainstream lagers of Budweiser or Heineken. It acted as a sociable pre-concert rendezvous point before tagging onto the Luas bound for the O2 (or The Point, as many Dublin traditionalists will correct you on). It stereotypically defined the north inner city of Dublin, there was a lack of pretentiousness, there was a working class realness with a take no guff attitude accompanied with overwhelming acceptance to strangers. 

Kate’s served many purposes. Students from the nearby National College of Ireland in the IFSC could be seen enjoying a midday drink avoiding the tedious task of attending lectures. Of a Saturday night Kate’s was home to live bands where you can be serenaded with such diversity from Stereophonic anthems to traditional Dubliner tunes with some added Damien Dempsey covers to give it that true north-sider spice. A haven for tourists one might think as they could enter into a wonderful atmosphere of passion and solidarity. 

Between March and November it was often packed with league of Ireland fans, particularly belonging to Shelbourne F.C every second Friday afternoon as they gathered to travel every corner of Ireland supporting their beloved football club. It catered for all walks of life. It was equally convenient for a quick pint while waiting for your bus to arrive outside as it was to attend for a weekend night of revelry. 

The pub twinkled of a spring Saturday where you could watch many sporting events entwined with bunting draped from every possible nook and cranny. Truly one of Dublin’s best kept secrets is now gone. Kate’s had a homely, inviting feeling, and the atmosphere was calm and quiet almost like that of a country pub on a weekday afternoon where one could enjoy cheap but highly recommended ‘pub grub’. Again, this is unfortunately no more. Kate’s Cottage had been designed to resemble a traditional cottage from the outside, which makes some pub-snobs snort about paddy-whackery. However, it’s deceptively spacious and possessed a remarkably tasteful interior. 

With all that said, it pains me to speak of the termination of such a neat pub. As of the 16th of January this year, it was appointed an official liquidator, namely, PJ Lynch of Westland Square, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. This leaves me with great regret for not frequenting Kate's more often. Amid rumours of other fine public houses shutting, such as Graingers on the Malahide Road and The Oak on Dame Street, it is of pivotal importance Dubliners support their local. Losing the sovereignty of your nation is one thing, but losing a pub you hold so closely to your heart is far worse. One of Dublin’s best kept secrets has sadly and all to abruptly closed her doors, forever.

S.DAWSON 24/01/12

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Assessing the popularity of Evangelist Billy Graham in 20th century America

From 1940 to 1970 church membership grew from 49% to 63% of the population. Religious leaders believed that Communism was a great sinister anti-Christian movement. It was clear that in the era of McCarthyism and the Red Scare, being an active church member was a good tactic to use in order to avoid being classified as a subversive. This rapid growth was also credited to the need for Americans to belong in such a rapidly changing society such as the 1950’s and 1960’s. The church provided some stability for families. 

In order to spread their views across the nation churches adapted to modern technology, in particular radio and television. It was through the medium of radio that Billy Graham became a notable figurehead of Christianity nationwide. At this time, there were 1,200 religious radio stations and 36 television stations devoted solely to Christianity across America. Graham utilised this mass media in order to voice his views to a nationwide audience. He was at the helm of a weekly one hour radio programme named, The Hour of Decision. With this, Graham had a weekly newspaper column published across America and he even could be viewed on many television crusades which began from 1957. 

It was clear there was an immediate rise in popularity for Graham. This is evident as in 1950 he started off working in a one room office with the help of a single secretary and yet only eight years later this North Carolina Baptist had over 200 people working for him in a four storey building. Billy Graham’s confidence in public speaking accompanied with his ability to memorise sections of the Bible were the protagonists in creating the mass following he achieved for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (B.G.E.A). This powerful and dynamic preacher was a traditional man who followed the roots of Christianity in a very detailed manner. 

Unlike other preachers of his era Graham was never caught up in adulterous affairs, tempted by drugs or even lured by prostitution. Graham was once accused on his radio programme of setting religion back a 100 years, to which he responded, “I did indeed want to set religion back, not just 100 years but 1,900 years to the book of acts”, this portrayed the extent of his beliefs. It showed how far this Pope of Protestant America,  as Time Magazine referred to him as, wanted to change American lifestyle in the second half of the 20th century.

Graham developed religion as a form of mass popular entertainment. At the peak of his reign he was broadcasting to over 200 million people in 185 different countries. It is important to note however, Billy Graham was apolitical. He had Christian morals and adamantly voiced his views, no matter how controversial or perverse they may have been at the time. Graham opposed segregation, once stating, “There is no scriptural basis for segregation. The ground at the foot of the cross is level and it touches my heart to see whites standing shoulder to shoulder with blacks at the cross”. Graham even paid bail money for Martin Luther King and preached alongside the famous activist.

Graham was invited to speak in segregated auditoriums but refused outright on the basis of his views. Notably, Graham also refused to visit South Africa during apartheid, courageously standing up for what he believed was unjust in the world. Graham had conquered America but he also had bigger plans to preach worldwide, but it was in his homeland where he became such a popular figure, having an almost celebrity like status wherever he travelled across America.

However, it wasn't all clean, controversy free actions Graham was accredited to. Despite opposing Communism he was the first evangelist to speak behind the Iron Curtain. He supported the wars in North Korea and Vietnam, although so many of his fellow compatriots were killed after being drafted to fight in wars which were never essentially needed to be fought. Along with this, Graham was accused of anti-Semitism on agreeing with Richard Nixon that Jews controlled the United States media. Later, Graham recanted this statement. 

Assessing the pros and cons of Graham, it was clear his popularity was nearly untouchable in America. No matter what, he would always have a loyal following. This devote following was due to the charismatic way he carried himself. This showed the ability of religion, and in his case Christianity, in lifting the spirits of a nation. In preaching core values and a traditionalist ethos it, in turn, resulted in a more content America, something which is sorely lacking in this current era of recessionary hardship. 

Evangelistic type preaching of Graham in order to achieve positivity is still being mirrored today. However, it is unfortunately being reincarnated in much darker forms being picked up by the world media in cases such as the Westboro Baptist Church. Although, this must be seen as a branch off from the majority of practicing Christians beliefs. In a world where the media is ruler, it is hard to stick to the core values of Christianity and the emergence of such groups hinders that sentiment even further.

As previously stated, Graham was, in his eyes, apolitical. Publicly, he did not want to get involved with politics, even though he was a registered democrat. He is on record as saying, “We evangelists cannot be closely identified with any particular party or person. We have to stand in the middle in order to preach to all people”. In this way, Graham differed from more extreme fundamentalist Christian preachers of the time. This cunning on the fence attitude towards politics increased his ever growing popularity once more. 

His influence and reputation was held in such high regard that many American presidents consulted with him, from Eisenhower and Kennedy to Johnson, Nixon and even Gerald Ford. He was particularly friendly with President Nixon whom he had a closer relationship, both officially and socially, compared to the other American leaders he advised. Graham was a terrific author, this no doubt also contributed to his popularity in 20th century America. Two of his most famous books were, Peace With God and How To Be Born Again. He was a prophet to Americans from all walks of life, from every corner of the country.

It is fair to say that nowadays the worldwide view on born again Christians is not as popular as in Billy Graham's time, but why is this? Does the world need another Billy Graham type character? Life has developed more in this new age media planet and perhaps preaching is lost on too many people in a much more liberal environment. On the other hand, born again Christianity is viewed as an illness more so than a morally healthy way of life due to the negative reporting on such matters by the media, at present. 

In the second half of the 20th century, Billy Graham had achieved such a highly regarded status due to the influence he had on Americans nationwide. Ordinary Americans could relate to him, he was the voice to millions of Americans who made up a quiet, staunchly Christian country. Americans followed Graham because they felt it was the right thing to do. As Graham gained more momentum in preaching the word of God his popularity continuously rose. It could be argued Graham took advantage of many vulnerable Americans at a time of economic hardship and promised them a stairway to heaven if they chose to live a way of life preached by the Evangelist, Billy Graham. 

He received many honours in his career, the pinnacle being the Congressional Gold Medal he was honoured with in 1966 for his preaching, an award which is the most prestigious in all of America. His wife Ruth was also presented with this for their outstanding and lasting contributions to morality, racial equality, family, charity and religion. By now, Graham was world renowned and could not achieve any more popularity in America such was the success of his career. 

Simply, Graham represented a strong religious tradition of America and subsequently he was fuelled by the following he amassed at home and further afield in many countries across the globe. World views at the time may have worked in favour of Graham as a platform to voice any negative opinions towards Graham was never obtainable, because doing so was almost seen as a heinous crime. Would Billy Graham flourish to the same extent as in the 20th century in a modern society be it in America or any other part of the world? I think it's safe to say it would be extremely difficult. That said, there is no questioning the popularity of this man, particularly in the second half of the 20th century, thus making an everlasting and profound impression on modern American culture in its entirety.

S.DAWSON 19/01/2012

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Muhammad Ali ushered in an attitude of black is beautiful

“The man who sees the world the same way at 50, as he did at 20, has wasted 30 years of his life.” These were the words of Muhammad Ali and that quote alone, in my opinion, sums up his views on life and the world in its entirety. 

For modern American culture Ali was of paramount importance. He was a negro American who had potential to be respected by white people. He was the “all American boy, if he was white,” as described by Malcolm X. Ali came along at a time when negro Americans were discovering who they were; he ushered in the attitude of black is beautiful. He uplifted the morale of an entire race of people every time he approached a camera and said “I’m pretty.”

Ali was from a different generation. He possessed a different frame of mind than other negro men at the time. Cassius Clay was his birth name before converting to Islam while simultaneously parting himself from his black slave name. At the time, he was hated by the vast majority of the blue collar white Americans who were not accustomed to seeing a black man boast and have such a charismatic and confident persona. Even some older generations of negro Americans disagreed in the manner Ali carried himself, they thought he should be more humble.

Ali, however, was a whole new breed of athlete and the younger generations of both black and white men began to accept and eventually adore this tenacious fighter. He paved a path for many Americans to become more liberal in their views and attitude towards all aspects of life. Ali evoked emotions inside people, emotions that some people didn’t even realise they were capable of. He stood up for himself, he stood up for a race against a partially racist nation. Through this, he revolutionised American culture forever. 

Ali was an outstanding boxer and at the age of only 18 he won a gold medal in the Rome Olympics in 1960, which was one of his proudest moments. Suddenly however, he was to suffer one of his lowest ebbs only days later. On his homecoming to Louisville, Kentucky he was denied entry to a restaurant. An American gold-medallist Olympian refused entry to a local eatery purely because of his skin colour. This act revealed the severity of the racist actions in certain parts of the U.S.A. It was a vulgar act towards a hero of their nation.  This was the hardship Ali had to endure throughout his life.

Ali was openly critical of the treatment of his fellow negro Americans and following on from his publicised discrimination and other reported cases of racial discrimination Ali threw his prized possession, his Olympic gold medal, into the Ohio River. This symbolic action made Americans nationwide sit up and take notice of his protest methods. Ali wasn’t just another negro preacher, this boxing hero hailing from Kentucky was something far more iconic. He was special, both in the sporting and political world. Ali had endless courage, determination, and energy, and he used these characteristics as a protagonist to attempt to change American culture. 

Muhammad Ali was not only a boxer, he was a revolutionary human. Ali was his own. Malcolm X left the nation of Islam but Ali did not follow his departure. He was a leader not a follower and throughout many heart felt speeches it was clear he wore his heart on his sleeve, in many circumstances.

He showed America he was his own man by taking one of the most memorable stances in American history by refusing to be drafted and fight in the Vietnam War. This decision made him both the most beloved and hated athlete of that era, and arguably of all time. Ali defended his actions by stating: “Why would I go to Vietnam, no Vietcong never called me a nigger” and “I will not go 10,000 miles to murder and kill for people to continue to enslave the black people.” Ali refused to travel on the grounds of war being against his religion, as he was a practicing Muslim minister. 

As we look back on the life of Muhammad Ali, one cannot confine themselves to talking about sport. Yes, he was probably the greatest heavyweight boxer of all time but he was also called to bring about a change regards the racial discrimination negro Americans were being subjected to. His anti-war stance resulted in his boxing licences being revoked. He was stripped of his world title that he won in 1964 after beating Sonny Liston and with this, Ali also had his passport confiscated by government officials. Ali fought two legal battles in the Supreme Court while simultaneously having two whole years of boxing in the prime stage of his career ruthlessly taken away. 

However, Ali was not afraid or deterred by this and it was this attitude which empowered many negro Americans across the nation, while simultaneously making an everlasting impact on American culture. Once all of his court cases were settled in one way or another Ali made a swift return to the boxing ring. Sadly, his reflexes, power, and speed would never match the levels he possessed in his prime. Ali was no longer able to taunt opponents and show such confidence in his graceful and powerful boxing techniques, metaphorically comparing himself to being able to, “float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”

Before retiring from professional boxing in 1979 at the age of 38, Ali partook in world renowned, now infamous fights, such as ‘The Rumble in the Jungle’ and ‘The Thrilla in Manilla’ where Ali defeated George Forman and Joe Fraizer, respectively. On his retirement from boxing, Ali now had more time to devote his attention to other topics he was just as passionate about. It would be a while yet before Muhammad Ali stepped out of the public eye.

Ali became heavily involved in politics, even more so than when he was juggling it with a professional boxing career. He supported Jimmy Carter’s presidential campaign in 1980 and worked for the release of four US hostages captured in Lebanon. Tragically though, Ali was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and so finally, Muhammad Ali would have to bow out of the political world after making such a profound impact on American society.

Ali was an inspiration to many Americans, regardless of colour or creed. He inspired athletes in sport to train to the edge of breaking point, and then train some more, in order to achieve the best possible results. He inspired politicians and activists to never be afraid to voice their opinions and stand up against the unjust actions of a nation. He inspired a whole race of young negro Americans to not fear society. They no longer had to accept racial discrimination; they now were becoming brave enough to stand up against oppression and not see it as a way of life. They now had motivation for change. They now had an overwhelming hunger for change.

It was Ali’s unapologetic and determined attitude that made this boxing legend become an iconic American figurehead for change. Ali could now be recognised as the ‘all American boy,’ even if he was a negro. He paved the way for a diverse American future, a liberal welcoming future. Undoubtedly, his impact on American culture was omnipotent and he certainly won a battle for change in modern American culture, but the war still continues, even if it is not as heavily publicised today.